Ilya Sutskeve co-founder of OpenAI

Ilya Sutskever (pict), a co-founder of OpenAI, has unveiled his latest venture, Safe Superintelligence Inc. (SSI), aimed at developing a safe superintelligence. Sutskever, who recently departed from OpenAI, has teamed up with Daniel Gross, former head of AI and search at Apple, and Daniel Levy, also formerly of OpenAI, to establish SSI.

Safe Superintelligence Inc. is setting out to tackle what its founders deem the most critical technical challenge of our era: building a superintelligence that prioritizes safety. The company’s mission, reflected in its name, emphasizes a single-minded focus on advancing AI capabilities while ensuring that safety measures stay ahead of technological progress.

“We’ve started the world’s first straight-shot SSI lab, with one goal and one product: a safe superintelligence,” stated Sutskever. He emphasized that SSI’s business model is designed to insulate safety, security, and progress from short-term commercial pressures, allowing the team to focus solely on their mission without distraction.

SSI’s approach involves treating safety and capabilities as intertwined technical problems, aiming to achieve revolutionary engineering and scientific breakthroughs. The company plans to advance AI capabilities as rapidly as possible while maintaining a lead in safety measures, allowing for scalable and secure development.

The startup is based in Palo Alto, California, and Tel Aviv, Israel, locations chosen for their rich talent pools and innovative ecosystems. SSI is currently assembling a team of top-tier engineers and researchers dedicated exclusively to the pursuit of safe superintelligence.

With a clear and unwavering mission, Safe Superintelligence Inc. invites those passionate about addressing the paramount technical challenge of our time to join their endeavor. Sutskever, Gross, and Levy are committed to creating a superintelligence that is both powerful and safe, setting a new standard in the AI industry.

For more information, visit SSI’s official website or follow their updates on social media.

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